Where does Fellowship Church meet on Sundays?
Fellowship has two suites in our building, located at 2401 Pine Street in Arkadelphia. The Worship Center is located at the west end of the building and the Family Center is located in the middle of the building. Adults, youth, and children are invited to join us in the Worship Center for our Sunday morning worship time. Enjoy a cup of coffee while you visit with our church family.
What time do things start on Sunday?
Fellowship Church has one worship service that starts at 10:30 AM. The service lasts around an hour.
How is everyone dressed at a typical worship service?
We only include this part because we do not want you to feel underdressed or overdressed. Most attending a Fellowship worship gathering dress casual, but there is no dress code. If you want to worship the Lord and meet with other followers of Jesus in a suit, wear a suit.
What can I expect at a worship service?
We believe that God has made himself and his will known through the Bible, so we make it a priority to read and study the Bible together each week. Expect to sing songs together that express true things. Expect a sermon from our pastors or guest speaker that is closely tethered to the biblical text. Expect a group of people of different ages and ethnicities gathered together under the common confession that Jesus is Lord.